Identifying Fish Problems/Diseases In The Pond Before It’s Too Late

Identifying Fish Problems/Diseases In The Pond Before It’s Too Late

What is normal fish behavior?

Identifying Fish Problems/Diseases In The Pond Before It’s Too Late

 a cheerful, healthy fish is typically one who swims at a traditional pace is aware of its surroundings and reacts quickly when food is introduced. 

Fish who rest listlessly, perhaps on their sides, fins clamped together and don't answer food are obvious clues something isn't right. Feeding time is, therefore, an excellent time to watch any abnormal behaviour.

Water Chemistry & Testing

The first thing to try to if you notice something isn’t right is to check the pond water. Correct water chemistry is prime to a healthy environment and can often be the lead explanation for disease during a pond.

In an idyllic world, fish keepers would normally test their water a minimum of once every week. Recording the test leads to a table or graph, that would also help quantify any changes to the water over time. 

Identifying Fish Problems/Diseases In The Pond Before It’s Too Late

actually , this is often rarely what happens, and as fish keepers we mainly only test the water as a reaction to noticing something unusual. only too often the results come with but ideal parameters then an action is taken to rectify things .

 Regular testing would help prevent these fluctuations in water conditions - and thus avoid many cases of sick fish.

Checking Amonia

The most important parameters to check for are ammonia, nitrite, nitrate (the three parameters of the nitrogen cycle), pH, KH & GH (acidity and hardness of the water). 

The NT Labs Pondlab - 200 Multi-test includes tests for all 6 of those in one conveniently packaged, detailed kit.

When starting a replacement pond the key parameters to check for are ammonia and nitrite.

Identifying Fish Problems/Diseases In The Pond Before It’s Too Late

 These are going to be present during maturation of the pond and pose a threat to the health of the fish even in low concentrations. 

Pond filtration removes these toxins from the water by culturing bacteria that convert ammonia and nitrite into the less harmful nitrate. 

Nitrate levels will increase over time and will be monitored to stop algae blooms. If it is ammonia or nitrite are present, perform a partial water change and supplement the filter with a bacterial supplement to rapidly reduce the toxicity of the water. Review the quantity of fish food being added to the pond and consider withholding food for a brief period too.

Identifying Fish Problems/Diseases In The Pond Before It’s Too Late

Ponds Ammonia:

Mature ponds are should contain no ammonia or nitrite but the ageing process will create acidic conditions over time. 

The acidification process will decrease carbonate hardness (KH) and subsequently cause an unstable pH so it's important to check regularly to stop levels from dropping too low.

Identifying Fish Problems/Diseases In The Pond Before It’s Too Late

 Pond fish prefer a pH of between 7 and eight, a KH of a minimum of 6 dKH and a GH of at about 8 dGH. Hardness levels of these stated create a ‘buffer’ to stabilise the pH, if these get too low this will cause rapid swings in pH which kills fish quickly.

Water Conditions:

Water changes in timely are again key to maintaining good water chemistry. Freshwater replenishes lost minerals in aged pond water which can keep the water at a stable pH value.

 Always remember to treat new water with a dechlorinator fish fungale Remover may remove harmful chlorine, chloramines and heavy metals.

Identifying Fish Problems/Diseases In The Pond Before It’s Too Late

 If the KH or GH is too low and fresh water doesn't bring them up to recommended levels, buffering agents should be added for future stabilisation

Water quality can have a detrimental effect on the fish for both directly and indirectly. It can lower a fish’s system which makes the animal more susceptible to infectious diseases. 

Some water parameters are poisonous if left to urge to the extremes. High nitrite, for instance , will affect the fish’s ability to soak up oxygen in to its blood. 

Identifying Fish Problems/Diseases In The Pond Before It’s Too Late

this will end in the symptoms of not enough oxygen present within the water (fish gasping at the surface) albeit the oxygen levels are fine.

Disease Diagnosis

Disease diagnosis is vital to work out the simplest course of action once water quality has been assessed. Fish diseases are often broadly categorised into either bacterial, fungal or parasitic diseases. 

Identifying Fish Problems/Diseases In The Pond Before It’s Too Late

Viral diseases also can occur, like carp pox, but these are usually rare and harder to treat if an epidemic occurs.

Bacterial infection symptoms:

the foremost common bacterial infections in pond fish are ulcers, fin rot, tail rot, mouth rot, dropsy and popeye. Mouth rot is usually confused with a fungal disease thanks to its white cotton wool-like appearance. 

Dropsy is that the late-stage diagnosis of an indoor bacterial infection whilst popeye and red patches on the body also are signs of a bacterial infection.

Identifying Fish Problems/Diseases In The Pond Before It’s Too Late

 Ulcers can often get a secondary mycosis if left untreated but should still be treated with an anti-bacterial first.

Bacterial infection Treatment:

 Pond - Anti-Ulcer, Fin-Rot & Flukes (Bacterad) & NT Labs Koi Care - Acriflavine. The latter is that the pure active ingredient whereas the pond treatment also contains 2 other compounds. 

 Pond Salt Plus also can beneficial during treatment to assist ulcer wounds to heal, reduce stress and support the fish osmotically.

Fungal infections symptoms:

White cotton-wool like growths on the body or fins of the fishes, often a secondary infection of an open wound.

Parasite infection symptoms: Sugar-grain sized are white spots along the body or fins of the fish, flashing, jumping, gasping at the surface, mucous-like appearance on the body. Larger parasites include flukes, lice and leeches.

Identifying Fish Problems/Diseases In The Pond Before It’s Too Late

Some parasite infections can only be observed under a microscope ( Trichodina, Costia) whereas white spot (Ichthyophthirius or “ich”) is simpler to ascertain on the body. 

Flashing and jumping from the water may be a fish’s reaction to the irritation caused by the parasite attaching themselves to the body.

Fungal & Parasite infection treatments:

These 2 different disease categories are often treated together as their treatment chemicals are often used together if dosed correctly.  - FMG Mixture and Pond - Anti-Parasite & Fungus (Eradick) use an equivalent 2 active

malachite green and formaldehyde. F-M-G features a higher dose of formalin and is therefore only suitable for koi. 

Identifying Fish Problems/Diseases In The Pond Before It’s Too Late

Labs Anti Parasite & Fungus is suitable for all of the pieces of pond fish if used correctly. Both are very effective at treating a broad range of parasite and fungal infections.

Other parasitic infections, like flukes, lice or anchor worm, require different treatments:  -

Argus & Koi Care - Flukasol. Both are very effective treatments for that but confirm which parasite the fish have before use. NT Labs Koi Care - Permanganate Dip also can be used as a dip treatment against all parasites including lice, leeches & anchor worm.

Identifying Fish Problems/Diseases In The Pond Before It’s Too Late

Treating a Pond:

There are variety of important considerations in touch in mind when treating a pond. it's going to seem obvious, but the foremost important thing when using medicine around a pond is to always thoroughly read the label before adding to the water! Here are other precautions one should consider before adding any treatments:

Identifying Fish Problems/Diseases In The Pond Before It’s Too Late

Not all fish species can tolerate a number of the active ingredients wont to make the pond treatments and this is often usually noted on the packaging.

 Note that if a treatment is labelled for koi, this could be taken as suitable for koi only and not assume it's safe for all. These koi treatments are usually for stronger and are designed for ponds containing koi only.

Identifying Fish Problems/Diseases In The Pond Before It’s Too Late

Test the pond water before treating - Otherwise some treatments can have a negative impact if the water chemistry isn’t right before treating. 

Always confirm ammonia and nitrite levels are at 0, pH is between 7-8 and KH is a minimum of 3-4 dKH (unless employing a product to unravel a problem concerning one among these parameters.)

Correct dosage -

 it's important to first have a rough idea of what percentage gallons the pond holds. Whilst some treatments aren’t harmful if overdosed, others are lethal if not given the right amount.

Identifying Fish Problems/Diseases In The Pond Before It’s Too Late

A rough guide of length width depth (in feet) multiplied by 6.25 will give imp. gallons. Times this by 4.54 to urge litres. Every treatment features a certain tolerance built-in, so don’t panic if an additional millilitre or two is dosed.

If you're ever concerned about dosing your pond, make certain to use the Dosage Calculator.
Identifying Fish Problems/Diseases In The Pond Before It’s Too Late

Never mix treatments unless they assert they will get on the label.  Always leave a minimum of 7 days between switching treatments to form sure there are not any cross-reactions.

Always treat the pond leaving any time to watch the fish just in case they react negatively to the treatment.

Turning the UV off during treatment is vital as UV light can degrade the medication. it's usually advised to go away the UV light off for 10 days during treatment.

 Treatments can reduce dissolved oxygen within the water so it’s important to form sure all pumps,

 waterfalls and filters are running at their optimum to maximise water movement and maintain high oxygen concentrations. this could be maintained 24/7 during the course of the treatment.

Identifying Fish Problems/Diseases In The Pond Before It’s Too Late

Safe temperature range - most treatments have reduced efficacy below 10°C and lots of having a maximum safe temperature of between 25-30°C.

 High temperatures reduce water’s ability to carry oxygen. Couple this with adding a drug and this might cause a sudden extreme drop by oxygen levels.

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